About the Owner
My name is Amanda. I was born and raised in the great state of Texas. I attended college at Texas Tech University where I received a bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education. I had my first daughter while in college and continued on to finish my degree in 2006. After graduation, I chose to put my focus on raising her. She re-awakened my crafty side and I began making her bows, tutus, and eventually little dresses.
I have been sewing for 14 years now. I began learning from my grandma and while away at college I utilized the internet and my own trial and error. Soon after, I started a little boutique to sell my handmade items. At the time, I mostly made clutch purses and simple dresses for girls. My shop blew up so fast. Between the immense growth and having my second child, I chose to close. Sadly, there was not near the amount of support and resources for small shops back then, or at least that I had access to.
Later on, after some unexpected life events, I chose to pursue my teaching degree. I taught infants through 3 grades during a span of 5 years. Enter 2020. As the pandemic hit, many went back to old hobbies or started new ones. I decided to break out my dusty old sewing machine and see what I could do. I made a few things for my girls and friends and realized what love I had for sewing.With the encouragement of friends I decided to open Sister Threads. 4 months later, I resigned from my position as assistant director at a preschool to pursue Sister Threads full time.
With a teacher's heart, I have always had the desire to help people. Sister Threads is not only my job, but I strive to use it as a platform to help others by offering jobs to local mothers who stay home with their children, as well as creating meaningful clothing pieces and using the money to donate to awareness organizations.
My husband Michael and I now have four children, Audrey, Anderson, Ellie, and Maryn. Between raising them, working, and running Sister Threads, we keep pretty busy. This shop and all our amazing customers have by far been my biggest blessing and greatest accomplishment second to being a mom to my children.